A.D. Sterling

Self-Publishing: Taking an Unplanned Break

By: A.D. Sterling

Taking time off from writing is okay!

When I first started this journey in 2020 my goal was to release at least 1 book a year, and for three years I able to keep that commitment I'd made to myself. But then life got in the way (as it so often does).

I changed jobs in 2022 and then again in 2023 and my new roles didn't allow me as much flexibility to continue writing. While I know I could have found time, I was mentally drained at the end of the day and finding my creativity became an insurmountable challenge.

At the end of 2024 I made a new resolution to pick back up my creative outlets and I've started 2025 with much more excitement than I'd anticipated. And it sure does feel good!

Although it was often disheartening to set aside my goals, and some days I felt like I was failing myself, I refused to see it as quitting. Now life has shifted again and I am finding more time and thrill at getting back into it.

Take a break when you need to, for as long as you need to, just don't give up.